R package with advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses.
When checking #88 codebase,
R package checker found errors with the test files, however this was because stock synthesis wasn't installed in my system,
> ## Run retrospectives
> r4ss::retro(dir = run_tmp, oldsubdir = "", newsubdir = "retrospectives", years = 0:-3, show_in_console = FALSE)
Error in check_exe(exe = exe, dir = olddir, verbose = verbose) :
ss.exe not found in C:\Users\ERIC~1.FLE\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpi0C64v/working_dir\RtmpMZOYd9/test-runs nor in the path.
Calls: <Anonymous> -> check_exe
Execution halted
"run retrospectives" could be test_that module that could detect if the stock synthesis executable is on the system.
When checking #88 codebase, R package checker found errors with the test files, however this was because stock synthesis wasn't installed in my system,
"run retrospectives" could be test_that module that could detect if the stock synthesis executable is on the system.