PINTO0309 / OpenVINO-YoloV3

YoloV3/tiny-YoloV3+RaspberryPi3/Ubuntu LaptopPC+NCS/NCS2+USB Camera+Python+OpenVINO
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Why RegionYolo's mask are the same across different scales? #35

Open wuhy08 opened 5 years ago

wuhy08 commented 5 years ago

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I noticed that in your yolov3 xml model, the three RegionYolo layers all have the same mask, i.e., 3,4,5. Is there a particular reason why? Shouldn't that be (0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8) respectively? Thanks.

GotG commented 3 years ago

same for tiny yolo v3. please let us know why. thank you!