PINTO0309 / OpenVINO-YoloV3

YoloV3/tiny-YoloV3+RaspberryPi3/Ubuntu LaptopPC+NCS/NCS2+USB Camera+Python+OpenVINO
Apache License 2.0
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multiple cpu cores #38

Open nqvqb opened 5 years ago

nqvqb commented 5 years ago


Thank you very much for your guide and I finally got customised trained yolov3 tiny version working on my laptop. Also the yolov3 version is working at 4~5FPS. My pc shows 1 cpu is utilised at 100%, it is possible to allocate the computation to multiple cpus? I can tell the batch size is forced to 1, would it work in async with higher batch size and potentially increase over all inference speed when running a larger model like yolov3?

PINTO0309 commented 5 years ago

The performance of OpenVINO depends on the total number of CPU cores. Please see the benchmark article below. I can not try because I do not have the following high-performance CPU.

PINTO0309 commented 5 years ago

If you quantize a model, it may work even faster.