PINTO0309 / OpenVINO-YoloV3

YoloV3/tiny-YoloV3+RaspberryPi3/Ubuntu LaptopPC+NCS/NCS2+USB Camera+Python+OpenVINO
Apache License 2.0
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Openvino performance a lot worse than darknet model #66

Open Jucjiaswiss opened 4 years ago

Jucjiaswiss commented 4 years ago

[Required] Your device (RaspberryPi3, LaptopPC, or other device name):
LaptopPC [Required] Your device's CPU architecture (armv7l, x86_64, or other architecture name):
x86_64 [Required] Your OS (Raspbian, Ubuntu1604, or other os name):
Ubuntu1804 [Required] Details of the work you did before the problem occurred:

python3 \ --class_names yolov3-tiny-mine.names \ --weights_file weights/yolov3-tiny-mine_final.weights \ --data_format NHWC \ --tiny True \ --output_graph pbmodels/frozen_yolov3-tiny-tw.pb
python3 /opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.094/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/ \ --input_model models/tf/frozen_yolov3-tiny-tw.pb \ --output_dir models/openvino/FP32 \ --data_type FP32 \ --batch 1 \ --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config yolo_v3_tiny_changed.json
[Required] Error message:

performance is a lot worse than darknet inference
[Required] Overview of problems and questions:

I trained the tiny-yolov3 model with darknet and test video perforamnce, it was pretty good. When I conveted it to openvino, the result was pretty bad, it missed several objects. Is it normal? How can I improve?

pra-dan commented 4 years ago

The v3-tiny will show poor performance in detecting all the objects correctly, but its meant for speed. You will surely get faster results; a higher FPS.

andeyeluguo commented 4 years ago

all people meet this bug and nobody can solve it even the intel coporation by now.

andeyeluguo commented 4 years ago

it may decreased 20 MAP