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kvs flask pipeline and async_lock issue on multiple request #68

Open sahupankaj10 opened 4 years ago

sahupankaj10 commented 4 years ago

[Required] Your device: AWS EC2

[Required] Your device's CPU architecture: CPU X86_64

[Required] Your OS: Ubuntu1804

[Required] Details of the work you did before the problem occurred: I'm trying to use it and make a complete pipeline to release it on the production.
Basically I'm detecting the object on live kinesis video streaming with using this and through the flask api, I want to see it on the another we application.
The issue is, It can't process multiple request. In a single request it works fine but as I send the second request, It breaks due to async_lock on the thread and shows this assertion message. Assertion `fctx->async_lock` failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:155

[Required] Error message:

Can't able to process the multiple request. Single request works fine and as I send the another request, it failed.
Assertion fctx->async_lock failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:155
[Required] Overview of problems and questions:

Have anyone used this on the production?
What is best way to create the pipeline using this to integrate with the web?