PINTO0309 / openvino2tensorflow

This script converts the ONNX/OpenVINO IR model to Tensorflow's saved_model, tflite, h5, tfjs, tftrt(TensorRT), CoreML, EdgeTPU, ONNX and pb. PyTorch (NCHW) -> ONNX (NCHW) -> OpenVINO (NCHW) -> openvino2tensorflow -> Tensorflow/Keras (NHWC/NCHW) -> TFLite (NHWC/NCHW). And the conversion from .pb to saved_model and from saved_model to .pb and from .pb to .tflite and saved_model to .tflite and saved_model to onnx. Support for building environments with Docker. It is possible to directly access the host PC GUI and the camera to verify the operation. NVIDIA GPU (dGPU) support. Intel iHD GPU (iGPU) support.
MIT License
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Output results are not right after converting #58

Closed zhongwenkun886 closed 3 years ago

zhongwenkun886 commented 3 years ago

I want to convert the openvino model (head-pose-estimation-adas-0001) to TFlite, after converting, I use the tensorflow2.4.1 to infer but it get the wrong results compared with the openVINO's output results.

I use the Docker, and the converting command is below:

openvino2tensorflow \
  --model_path head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml \
  --output_saved_model \
  --output_pb \
  --output_weight_quant_tflite \
  --output_float16_quant_tflite \

after converting, the infering code is below:

import numpy as np
import cv2
from tensorflow.lite.python.interpreter import Interpreter

interpreter = Interpreter(model_path='head-pose-estimation.tflite', num_threads=4)
input_blob = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_blob = interpreter.get_output_details()

img = cv2.imread("D:\\face.bmp")
img = cv2.resize(img, (60, 60))
img = img.astype(np.float32)
img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :]

interpreter.set_tensor(input_blob[0]['index'], img)

out0 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[0]['index'])
out1 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[1]['index'])
out2 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[2]['index'])

The out0,out1 and out2 is the output results, but it is not right compared with the openVINO's output results.

The model head-pose-estimation-adas-0001 link:

Thanks very much!

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

If possible, please describe all the results, including how they differ. I am on my own and have to deal with several issues a day, so I don't have time to verify everything.

zhongwenkun886 commented 3 years ago

If possible, please describe all the results, including how they differ. I am on my own and have to deal with several issues a day, so I don't have time to verify everything.

Thank you for replying。

The openVINO(openvino_2021.4.582) infering code is below:

import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
from openvino.inference_engine import IECore

model_xml = "./head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml"
model_bin = os.path.splitext(model_xml)[0] + ".bin"
ie = IECore()
net = ie.read_network(model=model_xml, weights=model_bin)
input_blob = next(iter(net.inputs))
exec_net = ie.load_network(network=net, device_name='CPU')

frame = cv2.imread("face.bmp")
img = cv2.resize(frame, (60, 60))
img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :]  # Batch size axis add
img = img.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))  # NHWC to NCHW

outputs = exec_net.infer(inputs={input_blob: img})
angle_p, angle_r, angle_y = outputs['angle_p_fc'], outputs['angle_r_fc'], outputs['angle_y_fc']

############ The output results is angle_p=5.79, angle_r=-8.66, angle_y=29.49. But for TFlite,the output results is out0=-2.16, out1=-7.99, out2=-7.84

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

I have identified that the bug occurs in the last MatMul, and the conversion seems to work fine before MatMul.

zhongwenkun886 commented 3 years ago

I have identified that the bug occurs in the last MatMul, and the conversion seems to work fine before MatMul.

So you means that the FC layer of this openvino model can not be convert to TFlite correctly ? And how to fix this bug?

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

We need to do something about the shape of the Reshape immediately before. I'm working on it.

There is a big difference in the results between the flow of [1,2,2,128]->Reshape[1,512]->MatMul[1,512] and the flow of [1,128,2,2]->Reshape[1,512]->MatMul[1,512].

Therefore, the MatMul transformation is normal. This probably requires transposition by Transpose just before Reshape.

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

The result of forcing Transpose to be inserted just before Reshape. All results are now correct. Screenshot 2021-08-07 19:50:06

interpreter = Interpreter(model_path='saved_model/model_float32.tflite', num_threads=4) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_blob = interpreter.get_input_details() output_blob = interpreter.get_output_details()

""" [{'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'index': 0, 'name': 'data', 'quantization': (0.0, 0), 'quantization_parameters': {'quantized_dimension': 0, 'scales': array([], dtype=float32), 'zero_points': array([], dtype=int32)}, 'shape': array([ 1, 60, 60, 3], dtype=int32), 'shape_signature': array([ 1, 60, 60, 3], dtype=int32), 'sparsity_parameters': {}}] """ pprint(input_blob) pprint(output_blob)

img = cv2.imread("test.jpg") img = cv2.resize(img, (60, 60)) img = img.astype(np.float32) img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :]

interpreter.set_tensor(input_blob[0]['index'], img) interpreter.invoke()

out0 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[0]['index']) out1 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[1]['index']) out2 = interpreter.get_tensor(output_blob[2]['index'])

""" [{'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'index': 85, 'name': 'Identity', 'quantization': (0.0, 0), 'quantization_parameters': {'quantized_dimension': 0, 'scales': array([], dtype=float32), 'zero_points': array([], dtype=int32)}, 'shape': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'shape_signature': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'sparsity_parameters': {}}, {'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'index': 88, 'name': 'Identity_1', 'quantization': (0.0, 0), 'quantization_parameters': {'quantized_dimension': 0, 'scales': array([], dtype=float32), 'zero_points': array([], dtype=int32)}, 'shape': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'shape_signature': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'sparsity_parameters': {}}, {'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'index': 80, 'name': 'Identity_2', 'quantization': (0.0, 0), 'quantization_parameters': {'quantized_dimension': 0, 'scales': array([], dtype=float32), 'zero_points': array([], dtype=int32)}, 'shape': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'shape_signature': array([1, 1], dtype=int32), 'sparsity_parameters': {}}] """ print(f'fc_p: {np.sum(out2)}') print(f'fc_r: {np.sum(out1)}') print(f'fc_y: {np.sum(out0)}')

from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore

ie = IECore() model='head-pose-estimation-adas-0001' net = ie.read_network(f'{model}.xml', f'{model}.bin') input_blob = next(iter(net.input_info)) out_blob = next(iter(net.outputs)) exec_net = ie.load_network(net, 'CPU')

""" 'data' """ pprint(input_blob) """ {'angle_p_fc': <openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.DataPtr object at 0x7fa6e5eb9530>, 'angle_r_fc': <openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.DataPtr object at 0x7fa6e32c74b0>, 'angle_y_fc': <openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.DataPtr object at 0x7fa6e32c7430>} """ pprint(net.outputs)

res = exec_net.infer(inputs={input_blob: img.transpose(0,3,1,2)}) pprint(res)

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

I have committed the converted model.

zhongwenkun886 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much!

MekhailS commented 3 years ago

@PINTO0309 Could you please share .json config used for forcing inserting Transpose for this model? The config would much help to understand which values are needed in Transpose operation (values in OpenVino format or Tensorflow's)

PINTO0309 commented 3 years ago

It is bad manners to continue a discussion on a closed issue. Why don't you try to read the README?