Secure PIVX Masternode Tool - Setup & Manage your masternodes while storing collateral on a Ledger device!
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SPMT starts up and dies at 99% load screen #38

Open vampyren opened 4 years ago

vampyren commented 4 years ago

I just installed the latest version on a new pc and started to setup my MN. It worked during the first start up and MN setup and i closed it and started SPMT with no issue. After 20min or so now it wont start. It loads to 99% (shows SPMT ready) and then closes without any error pop-up or anything. debug file shows:

2020-08-28 12:36:01,573 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Initializing... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,573 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Initialized 2020-08-28 12:36:01,573 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Opening... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,574 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Initializing tables... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,575 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Tables initialized 2020-08-28 12:36:01,583 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Database open 2020-08-28 12:36:01,583 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Clearing table REWARDS... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,585 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Table REWARDS cleared 2020-08-28 12:36:01,609 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Clearing table PROPOSALS... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,610 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Table PROPOSALS cleared 2020-08-28 12:36:01,637 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Clearing table MY_VOTES... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,638 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Table MY_VOTES cleared 2020-08-28 12:36:01,653 - INFO - MainThread | Pruning table RAWTXES 2020-08-28 12:36:01,663 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Getting masternode list 2020-08-28 12:36:01,742 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Getting all RPC servers from table PUBLIC_RPC_SERVERS 2020-08-28 12:36:01,743 - INFO - MainThread | DB: Getting all RPC servers from table CUSTOM_RPC_SERVERS 2020-08-28 12:36:01,744 - INFO - MainThread | HW: Initializing Class... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,744 - DEBUG - MainThread | HW: Class initialized 2020-08-28 12:36:01,744 - DEBUG - MainThread | STARTING SPMT 2020-08-28 12:36:01,744 - INFO - MainThread | Console Log thread started 2020-08-28 12:36:01,816 - INFO - MainThread | Checking SPMT version... 2020-08-28 12:36:01,816 - DEBUG - MainThread | Hello! Welcome to SPMT - Secure PIVX Masternode Tool - v.0.6.1-a

Also restarted my pc and tried. Same thing.

vampyren commented 3 years ago

I learned that if i click in the loading windows when its almost done then it loads. But i have to time it so its on the right moment. Any idea when we can get an update for this mate?

random-zebra commented 3 years ago

Hey @vampyren. The new version is out (0.6.2), although I am not sure if this is fixed as I wasn't able to reproduce it (are you on windows, right? which version?). I suspect this is a packaging issue (are you able to run the application directly from the python sources?). Perhaps you see something about ucrtbase.DLL in the crash report?

vampyren commented 3 years ago

Hey @vampyren. The new version is out (0.6.2), although I am not sure if this is fixed as I wasn't able to reproduce it (are you on windows, right? which version?). I suspect this is a packaging issue (are you able to run the application directly from the python sources?). Perhaps you see something about ucrtbase.DLL in the crash report?

Just tested and it seems to work fine now. Will update if that changes. And no i never got any crash messages or anything. The windows just closes without showing anything. And yes i use Windows 10 latest build and all. Thanks allot for the update!

vampyren commented 3 years ago

Spoke to soon, happens again, made a video, had to add music, had a video playing in the background :) The first time it closes, second time i click on the window and it works, third time it closes again https://youtu.be/ySEPIiKSRyQ

ps. as i said sometimes it does work without clicking on the splash screen too.

yenachar commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing this crashing problem, too, under latest Windows running version 0.6.2. The problem seems to grow with an increasing number of masternodes. No crash appears for me with just one masternode. As a workaround, it is possible to use multiple application.db files, each with one or a couple of masternodes, and swap them in and out. That's a little awkward, of course.

vampyren commented 2 years ago

It happens for me with 1 and 2 MN. Almost to the point that its unusable. Have to use it on my VM where it for some reason works much better.

yenachar commented 2 years ago

This problem is present both when configured for RPC to a local and a remote wallet, if that is relevant.

vampyren commented 1 year ago

Just to update, this is still an issue, and its worse now. Happens every time after a MN is added :(

davidrib commented 1 year ago

This should be corrected, I can't use it, allays fails

davidrib commented 1 year ago

should be fixed !! the problem is when it reads config files, I always need to clean with "SecurePivxMasternodeTool.exe --clearAppData --clearMnData --clearRpcData" only start with this. I use win10.

vampyren commented 1 year ago

Ok so you mean if you start SPMT with thoese parameters it works every time? This is good news if you manage to find a work around for it. And this issue is very strange. For now atleast it works for me again. I run win11.

The problem sort of comes and goes it seems. I haven't manage to isolate the problem.

davidrib commented 1 year ago

with those parameters I need always to recofigure the master node again, always,πŸ˜’πŸ˜’, to view the status or get rewards

vampyren commented 1 year ago

with those parameters I need always to recofigure the master node again, always,πŸ˜’πŸ˜’, to view the status or get rewards

Sorry to hear :( i was there before, no idea what happened, it started to work all of the sudden. This is a very annoying bug. It would help if more people ask for this to be fixed in Discord where team members are. I think people got a bit tired of me asking for a fix on this. I know the team is working hard on multiple projects but still this problem has existed for a very long time and people using hw wallet are sort of dependent on this tool.

dinizc commented 10 months ago

Hi. I have the same issue, in Windows 11. It seems it's related to the reading of the Masternode configuration because I started the SPMT with just the --clearMnData option and it works. As @davidrib wrote with this it's needed to setup the MN every time so it's annoying. Also, if not using any options and when running the app and it crashes (at 99% loaded) the following event in the Application Log of the Event Viewer appears; "Event 1000, Application Error Faulting application name: SecurePivxMasternodeTool.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5ffec13d Faulting module name: Qt5Core.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5deb49d0 Exception code: 0xc0000409 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\SPMT\SecurePivxMasternodeTool.exe Faulting module path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI344802\Qt5Core.dll"

I tried to use SPMT in a Mac and it works well so it seams it's a Windows issue.