PJ-Singh-001 / Cubic

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How do I change the GTK theme on Xubuntu? glib-compile-schemas does nothing #195

Open totalsouldisorder opened 1 year ago

totalsouldisorder commented 1 year ago

Describe the question

Hello, and thanks for developing this. It's a really really cool piece of software that I'm having a lot of fun with. My question is, how do I properly change the GTK theme and other things within the terminal page? I've already tried the 90_ubuntu-settings.gschema.override method you posted elsewhere with no luck, and then I edited a file called 20_xubuntu-default-settings.gschema.override that I found in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas (where I had put the 90_ubuntu file) and edited the settings within it, which were changed to:


interested-media-players=[ 'parole', 'rhythmbox' ]


font-name='SF Pro Regular 9'
monospace-font-name='SF Mono 10'

active-plugins=[ 'alternative-toolbar', 'android', 'artsearch', 'audiocd', 'audioscrobbler', 'daap', 'dbus-media-ser>

window-size='(764, 482)'
window-position='(19, 61)'

key-label-font='SF Pro'
key-label-overrides=['RWIN: ^l^x:super-group', 'LWIN: ^l^x:super-group']


font-name='DejaVu Sans Mono 10'



I expected this to change the icon and GTK theme, as well as the font. It changed nothing. I was able to change the icon theme by renaming the icon pack to the default used one, however. I'm also curious as to how I would change the wallpaper used. I'm trying to replicate my current install in this build, which looks like this.


How would I go about properly changing the GTK theme and font? Some additional things I'm trying to accomplish are autostarting picom with a custom config, latte-dock with a custom config, and a custom config for kitty.

Thank you in advance. Again, this is a cool piece of software.

The ISO used for this build with Cubic is the same as my host install. Xubuntu 22.04 LTS :)

Edit: I appreciate you reading this, but I just changed the name of a folder in /usr/share/themes to achieve the GTK functionality. It works haha. Would you happen to know how to get a bash script to start on boot? The contents of the script launch picom and latte-dock, and I've tried placing it in /opt/ and calling on it in a .desktop file in /etc/skel but no luck.

Edit 2: The script is running! Never mind on that first edit :pray:

PJ-Singh-001 commented 1 year ago


You’re on the right track with the file.

However, search through the closed issues here, and you will see some answers that document the process for Ubuntu or some other Distros. (You may have to adapt the keys for Xubuntu, but you already know what those are).

Let me know which closed issue you end up using as a guide, and if you encounter problems adapting it to Xubuntu.

totalsouldisorder commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response.

I've looked through the other closed issues on here and they've helped me tremendously.

What I've been trying to accomplish is "xbd," which stands for "xubuntu based distro" and I basically want a nicer looking and functioning Xubuntu. What I've done so far is:

What I have left to do is:

And then I'm done! However, I can't figure out how to add that second Xfce panel for the life of me.

Edit: For anyone curious, I was able to change the themes (icon and GTK) in Xubuntu by creating a script in /opt/ named xbdconfig.sh with the following:

#! /usr/bin/env bash
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s Ant-Nebula
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s Ant-Nebula
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName -s Vimix

And then making a desktop entry in /etc/skel/.config/autostart and /etc/skel/autostart (not sure which one it calls on so I added it to both folders) like so:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=xbd configuration

And that was enough to change the themes. But my question is this- how the heck do I get a second xfce-panel to display on the bottom of the screen? I want it to load xfce4-docklike-plugin :)

I've tried editing /etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/default.xml with no luck, as well as /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/panel/default.xml to no avail.

Also, on Firefox and Ungoogled Chromium, neither respects the GTK theme- they both have godawful GTK looks for some reason. Would you have any clue? The themes are properly set for GTK 2 and 3.