PJB3005 / MoMMI

Old SS14 Discord server bot.
MIT License
12 stars 29 forks source link

removes based #34

Closed swissloaf closed 3 years ago

swissloaf commented 4 years ago

I dont like being asked "BASED on what" every time i attempt to call someone/something based.......

if its based its based!!!!!! not based on anything, its just based!!!

SonixApache commented 4 years ago

based on what

TheGamerdk commented 4 years ago

based on what?

ancientpower commented 4 years ago

what is the basis behind this PR

swissloaf commented 4 years ago


boy2mantwicethefam commented 4 years ago

Bazat pe ce?

Kharkov72 commented 4 years ago

not based.

DrSnips commented 4 years ago

Based on THIS *unzips

SweptWasTaken commented 4 years ago

image 19 downvotes. Your pr does not seem to be that popular.

PJB3005 commented 4 years ago

gebaseerd op wat?

swissloaf commented 4 years ago


swissloaf commented 4 years ago


PJB3005 commented 3 years ago

Basde on this PR getting closed