PJLab-ADG / DetZero

[ICCV 2023] DetZero: Rethinking Offboard 3D Object Detection with Long-term Sequential Point Clouds
Apache License 2.0
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track eval error? #20

Open rockywind opened 11 months ago

rockywind commented 11 months ago

Hi, thank you for sharing the great work. I met the error below. image

    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/tracking/tools/eval_track_my.py", line 50, in <module>
  File "/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/tracking/tools/eval_track_my.py", line 47, in main
  File "/defaultShare/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/tracking/detzero_track/utils/track_recall.py", line 68, in get_tracklet_recall
    eval_results = multi_processing(
  File "/defaultShare/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/utils/detzero_utils/common_utils.py", line 302, in multi_processing
    results = [function(x) for x in progress_bar]
  File "/defaultShare/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/utils/detzero_utils/common_utils.py", line 302, in <listcomp>
    results = [function(x) for x in progress_bar]
  File "/defaultShare/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/tracking/detzero_track/utils/track_recall.py", line 171, in eval_single_seq
    frame_pred_data = tracklets_to_frames({'reference':gt_data, 'source':pred_data})
  File "/defaultShare/SHFP12/xiaoquan.wang/01_bev/DetZero/tracking/detzero_track/utils/data_utils.py", line 40, in tracklets_to_frames
    sample_idx = obj_data['sample_idx']
KeyError: 'sample_idx'
  0%|                                                                                                                 | 0/2 [04:37<?, ?it/s]

The running script is below. python eval_track_my.py image

thing-fish commented 11 months ago

I met the same error,have you solved it?

thing-fish commented 10 months ago

only the final result pkl file is supported.