Setting batch_size to 2 when running ""(config file is tools/cfgs/det_model_cfgs/centerpoint_1sweep.yaml).There is an error in 16th line of "detzero_det/utils/ensemble_utils/".
The reson of the error is that shapes of boxes、scores and labels are not matched.
(boxes [bs,ops_ num,max_proposals_num,dims_num]、scores [bsops_num, max_proposals_num, 1]、labels [bsops_num, max_proposals_num, 1])
What`s more, I found 206th line of "detzero_det/models/" is not worked because the first dim of boxes is not 1 when batch_size settings is more than 1. I'm not sure if the original idea for 206th line was to use "reshape" or "view".
However, if I changed 206th line with "reshape" or "view", there will be another issue that TTA will perform WBF on all proposals in batch.
I`m not sure whether my thoughts are right. Maybe there are some other thoughts about that.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response at your convenience.
Setting batch_size to 2 when running ""(config file is tools/cfgs/det_model_cfgs/centerpoint_1sweep.yaml).There is an error in 16th line of "detzero_det/utils/ensemble_utils/".
The reson of the error is that shapes of boxes、scores and labels are not matched. (boxes [bs,ops_ num,max_proposals_num,dims_num]、scores [bsops_num, max_proposals_num, 1]、labels [bsops_num, max_proposals_num, 1])
What`s more, I found 206th line of "detzero_det/models/" is not worked because the first dim of boxes is not 1 when batch_size settings is more than 1. I'm not sure if the original idea for 206th line was to use "reshape" or "view". However, if I changed 206th line with "reshape" or "view", there will be another issue that TTA will perform WBF on all proposals in batch.
I`m not sure whether my thoughts are right. Maybe there are some other thoughts about that. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response at your convenience.