PKM-er / obsidian-zotlit

A third-party project that aims to facilitate the integration between and Zotero, by providing a set of community plugins for both Obsidian and Zotero.
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Is there any way I can call tags from zotero item Details:note in a single annot template? #264

Open NiAnyIGJQ opened 1 year ago

NiAnyIGJQ commented 1 year ago

I want to add my zotero #tags attribute to each annot, but #tag only exists in zotero item details: note and in zotero item details: annotation it doesn't exist , so <%It.tags.filter(t => t.ype === 0)%> doesn't work.

Does anyone know how to write the template in this case ?

woodae99 commented 7 months ago

I've been trying to get the same thing to work and have had no success. There is a work-around though which is to put your #tag in the annotation body. It's not ideal if you're running all your standard tags in Zotero, but it does import into Obsidian

woodae99 commented 7 months ago

Actually, there is a solution here: