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Generalized and Efficient Blackbox Optimization System
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关于GP-MCMC的一些问题 #68

Open HuashiSCNU0303 opened 12 months ago

HuashiSCNU0303 commented 12 months ago

作者你好,我在项目中尝试使用surrogate_type='gp_mcmc'进行超参数优化,但是在源码(中我看到有说“If you use this class, make sure that you also use an integrated acquisition function to integrate over the GP's hyperparameter as proposed by Snoek et al.”,我在RoBO里面看到有一个类MarginalizationGPMCMC,用来在使用GP-MCMC的情况下计算任意一种acquisition function的值,但是在openbox里我好像没有看到类似的东西,那在openbox里应该指定使用哪一个acq_type呢?