PKU-EPIC / UniDexGrasp

Official code for "UniDexGrasp: Universal Robotic Dexterous Grasping via Learning Diverse Proposal Generation and Goal-Conditioned Policy" (CVPR 2023)
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Request for PointNet Checkpoint to Facilitate Addition of New Objects #25

Closed chord-comic closed 1 month ago

chord-comic commented 2 months ago

Could you kindly make available the PointNet checkpoint that can reproduce the "pc_feat_xxx.npy" files from your training dataset? This would greatly assist in adding new objects for evaluating your excellent algorithm. :)

Additionally, would it be possible for you to share the "pose2plane" code? I've managed to find the "plane2pose" function, but the complementary "pose2plane" would be immensely helpful for my work.

wkwan7 commented 2 months ago

Hi! Please unzip the files here

ubt0001 commented 6 days ago


Could you kindly provide some hints on the path to the model checkpoint after extracting the files from the provided link? The link offers extracted features from different object datasets, but it appears to not include the model weights. Is there something I might have missed?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.