PKU-EPIC / UniDexGrasp

Official code for "UniDexGrasp: Universal Robotic Dexterous Grasping via Learning Diverse Proposal Generation and Goal-Conditioned Policy" (CVPR 2023)
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[Error] [carb.gym.plugin] Gym cuda error: out of memory: ../../../source/plugins/carb/gym/impl/Gym/GymPhysX.cpp: 1721 #4

Open lptl opened 1 year ago

lptl commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have tried to set the num_envs and nminibatches both to 1 and this error still happens. How large is your GPU memory? I am using 4GB currently. Or is this caused by another problem?

wkwan7 commented 1 year ago

Does this error occur during visual-based policy training? For visual-based policy training, It requires a relatively large GPU memory, compared to state-based policy. I remember we set num_envs to 16 on RTX 3090 (~24GB).

lptl commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes, it is visual-based policy training.

lptl commented 10 months ago

Hi, may I ask how many epochs have you trained for the vision-based policy training? I am currently using 10,000 and don't see any effect.

wkwan7 commented 10 months ago

Assuming you are using a vision-based RL (PPO) approach, as pointed out in our paper, directly training a vision-based RL policy doesn't work (although we do provide this option in our code). If you wish to train a vision-based policy, our recommendation is to first successfully train a state-based policy and then follow our code to perform state-to-vision policy distillation using DAgger.

lptl commented 10 months ago

Hi, may I ask how the dexgrasp_policy/meshdata_scaled and dexgrasp_policy/meshdata_pc_feat come from? I can't find the groundtruth scale. Thanks!

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 16 52 45
mzhmxzh commented 10 months ago

We just uploaded the data here. You can unpack them and put them under the directory dexgrasp_policy/assets.

lptl commented 10 months ago

Hi, thanks! I discovered that there are only core and sem folder in without mujoco and ddg. And may I ask where the scale in the object_code_list in configuration yaml files comes from?

wkwan7 commented 10 months ago

Hello! The meshdatav3_pc_feat stores features from the pre-trained category label classification task. Since objects in mujoco and ddg do not have defined "category labels", they were not included in the pre-training. If these objects are used in training, we simply set all their features to 0. (Perhaps you can use a better pre-training task). Regarding scale, we simply applied filtering to all object scales, filtering out objects (with different scales) that are too large or too small (actually it's very challenging for a single training policy to handle these objects). I will update the object/scale data we used to the repo next week if you need it.

lptl commented 10 months ago

hi, thanks for your help of the dataset and the object/scale information! The object/scale data would be really helpful.

lptl commented 10 months ago

And may I ask whether there exists any other things to notice when training state-based goal-conditioned case? I changed the config file from goal-cond:false to goal-cond:true, and the reward is almost only around 20, which makes the success rate is 0.0.

wkwan7 commented 10 months ago

Hello! I apologize for the delayed response. 1. Regarding the strategy training issue: Due to the large number of objects, we did not test "train from scratch" for all individual objects in both goal-conditioned and non-goal-conditioned scenarios (in fact, quite a few objects would fail when "train from scratch"). However, as pointed out in our paper, "curriculum learning" is crucial. My suggestion is to first train a non-goal-conditioned model on a simple object (for example, data 'sem/Car-669043a8ce40d9d78781f76a6db4ab62':[0.06] which we use for the training at first), and then fine-tune this model on more challenging objects or in the goal-conditioned scenario. 2. Concerning the object/scale data, we are currently looking for a better method to select scales using filters. It will take some time before we can fully organize and release it. If you need it, I can send you the current temporary version via email. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.

lptl commented 10 months ago

Thank you so much for your reply! Expect for the release of the object-scale list. It would be really helpful if you can send me the current version via email, my email is Thank you very much!

mxllc commented 10 months ago

In the paper, the treatment of the non-goal-conditioned model involves removing the goal input and goal reward during RL training. However, in the, I only see that the goal reward has been removed, and the goal input is still used as an input to the network. I find this somewhat puzzling.

wkwan7 commented 10 months ago

Hello, thank you for pointing out this issue! When training with non-goal-conditioned, we do not use goal-reward and will simply set these three lines to a value of 0.

lptl commented 9 months ago

Hi, May I ask how to extract the object's pose and rotation from the npz file of datasetv4.1? I currently extracted the target hand pose and rotation, as the code shows. I wonder how to find the pose and rotation of the object so that the object is grasped in the hand. Thanks!