Source code of our TIP 2018 paper "Object-Part Attention Model for Fine-grained Image Classification"
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generate heatmap-txt file #4

Open LiyiLily opened 6 years ago

LiyiLily commented 6 years ago

How to generate heatmap-txt file in "…/OPAM_TIP2018-master/CAM-master-car/demo.m".

When I run the "", it always showed "…/heatmap-txt/000001.txt could not be opened because: No such file or directory".

"demo.m" only could write .bmp file.

Thank you!

JryonGitHub commented 6 years ago

I have fellow this project as well. I have found same issue, I got through by change some environment path variables.

LiyiLily commented 6 years ago

@JryonGitHub could you detail how to change some environment path? Thank you.

JryonGitHub commented 6 years ago

@LiyiLily four changes should be taken place in demo.m 1 addpath('/path/to/your/caffe/caffe-master') and addpath('/path/to/your/caffe/caffe-master/matlab') 2 outdir = '/path/to/your/OPAM_TIP2018/CAM-master-car/heatmap' 3 seg_outdir = '/path/to/your/OPAM_TIP2018/CAM-master-car/heatmap-seg' 4 txt_outdir = '/path/to/your/OPAM_TIP2018/CAM-master-car/heatmap-txt'

LiyiLily commented 6 years ago

@JryonGitHub Thanks for your reply. I have changed these environment paths but still can't generate 000001.txt files.

JryonGitHub commented 6 years ago

@LiyiLily It works when I do changes as I said. I don't know the differences between your file and mine. If convinient, you can post your file content.

choiyeren commented 6 years ago

@LiyiLily I think you should modify the line "system(['/yourpath/OPAM_TIP2018/CAM-master-car/bboxgenerator/./dt_box ' curHeatMapFile ' ' curParaThreshold ' ' curBBoxFile]);" in the OPAM_TIP2018/CAM-master-car/generate_bbox.m file.

C-S-Z commented 3 years ago

@LiyiLily Have you solved this problem? I have encountered this problem, too. The previous method has not been solved.