PKU-YuanGroup / Video-LLaVA

【EMNLP 2024🔥】Video-LLaVA: Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection
Apache License 2.0
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Questions about LanguageBind Usage #180

Open lingjunzhao opened 2 months ago

lingjunzhao commented 2 months ago


Thanks for releasing the codes! I was reading your paper, but still have some questions about LanguageBind used in Video-LLaVA:

1) Were the weights of the image/video encoder initialized from LanguageBind trainable or frozen, during Video-LLaVA training? 2) Which version of LanguageBind from the model zoo did you initialize the weights from, e.g. LanguageBind_Video_V1.5_FT or LanguageBind_Video_FT?