PMA-2020 / pma-api

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Admin portal for uploads and dataset management #32

Open joeflack4 opened 6 years ago

joeflack4 commented 6 years ago


The "admin portal" is a location where PMA2020 data managers can upload new datasets, and manage old ones. The datasets they upload will be of the kind of api-data*.xlsx file that are currently stored in the data directory.


1. Create route /admin

1a. Create routes

The route /v1/admin should re-route to /admin.

2b. Create deployment-specific logic

We are considering adding the following logic: If environment is production, re-routes them to:

However, upon further consideration, I think we will make it explicit within the UI that certain actions will affect staging or will affect production. So, given that distinction, it may not be necessary to re-route, as the admin portal feature will know the difference between the staging and production deployments.

As far as setting the URLs which point to the API endpoints, or database information such as DB URL, DB name, and username/password, these should also be set inside environmental variables.

2. Single page UI scaffolding for all features #ui

This can be done up-front before, after, or simultaneously while implementing the underlying logic. Not sure yet who this will be done by (1 or more of Joe / Richard / Bciar).


  1. URL
  2. Title
  3. Layout: Instructions
  4. Layout: Upload new dataset, w/ upload button
  5. Status / notification bar: Appears only when uploading or applying a dataset
    • OnUpload: "Uploading dataset..."
    • OnSuccess: Prompts them to do testing before uploading.
    • OnFail: Rollback to previous version: Gets most recent passing dataset from S3; Re-uploads that manually
  6. Uploaded datasets list / table (stores previously uploaded datasets; contains data about upload history)
    • Text: describing the various aspects of the dataset
  7. Dataset selection buttons: After selecting a dataset, have the following options as buttons. a. Download b. Button: Apply dataset to staging: (uploads to staging database; uses command: initdb --overwrite ; run automated tests & automated failsafe rollback. onClick: Does alert: "Are you sure?") c. Button: Apply dataset to production: (onClick: Does alert: "Are you sure?". same as staging, but for prod? or perhaps can use PG copy to move the dataset that has been applied from staging to production, if the dataset selected is indeed already in the staging database. Also, James wanted to see if there was a way better than PG copy.)

3. Create S3 bucket to store datasets

Create a new bucket to store all datasets. It may not be necessary to create a "staging" bucket deployment for this. If we do that, however, I would consider that more of a backup location than anything otherwise.

4. Create new datasets DB table

Fields to create

More about datasetSubType This is where CCRR is for country/round, e.g. "GHR6", and METADATA_CLASS is for a single class of structural metadata, e.g. 'indicators', 'countries', etc. The type "all" is for instances where either all data for all country/rounds is being uploaded, all meta data classes are being uploaded, or all of the data and metadata is being uploaded at once.

About non-idempotent functions on DB fields #db

Updates / deletes will not be implemented for these fields. Just create/reads. Exception is "isActive."

5. Implement logic for upload dataset feature

5.5. Change initdb script to drop everything but the datasets table

6. Implement logic for dataset list feature

7. Implement logic for apply dataset to staging feature

8. Implement logic for apply dataset to production feature

Task List

joeflack4 commented 6 years ago

@richardnguyen5 We may do some pair programming on this together!

joeflack4 commented 6 years ago

@bciar Don't worry about this until getting back from your vacation. But I have some ideas for how you can contribute here.

joeflack4 commented 6 years ago

Edit: Removed "manual testing" feature from this issue, and put into its own GitHub issue #48.

joeflack4 commented 6 years ago

@richardnguyen5 Updated this per our discussion.

Split some items into new issues: #48, #52, #53, #54, #55