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(SQD-009-001) For Approval - Approver - New Request Unit #21

Open Reggiedel opened 1 week ago

Reggiedel commented 1 week ago

"1. Access Dashboard: Go to the For Apporval - New Asset Request 1.1 Upon clicking 'For approval,' the number of pending requests will appear in the upper right side of the For return module

  1. Clicking the for new asset tab should display two sub-tabs. 2.1. The first tab should be ""Pending Approval"" 2.1. The secon tab should be ""Approved Repair Request""

  2. On the Pending Approval Tab, the user should see the following columns: (Not Editable) 3.1. ARF No. 3.2. Requestor Name 3.3. Item request 3.4. qty 3.5. expected delivery date 3.6. purpose 3.7 accessories 3.8. Action Button (For approve and reject button)

  3. On the Approved Request Tab, the user should see the following columns: (Not Editable) 3.1. ARF No. 3.2. Requestor Name 3.3. Item request 3.4. qty 3.5. expected delivery date 3.6. purpose 3.7. accessories 3.8. Approved date and time

  4. Clicking on the request number for each transaction, the user should redirect to the ARF Form, displaying the full details of the request.

  5. The system should have action buttons for approval and rejection. 6.1.Upon clicking the 'Approve' button, a confirmation message "" Proceed with the request "" will pop up asking if you would like to approve the request 6.1.1 If ""Yes"", a message will pop up ""You successful approved the ARF no."" then the status of the request is updated to "" For Processing "" 6.1.2 If ""No"" the screen should return to the Pending Approval screen 6.2. Upon clicking the ""Reject Button"", a text box appears allowing the approver to add remarks / dropdown for rejection. The status of the request is updated to "" for verification "" once remarks are submitted.
