PMDShift / Proposals

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"Shifters" #2

Open ThunderDraconius opened 5 years ago

ThunderDraconius commented 5 years ago


A new name to refer to players in PMD: Shift: "Shifters". This issue will explain what is a "Shifter" and their role in the game.


"Shifters" are a special creatures. They are born from the distortion of universes. They are not born in the regular way, more like they are "created", an "universe's incarnation". They are the results of an universe has its "cores" such as time, space, matters... being distorted, shifted, reversed,... or even being destroyed by many means.

Because of that, "Shifters" are special. They are alive, they have a body. they have a heart, a soul,... They can talk, work, think, express emotions,... just like a normal human. But their existances are paradoxes. They dont belong to any universe, nor connected to anything. They can be right, or wrong, can be good or bad.

However, due to their origins, every "Shifters" has to suffered a thing that human can refer to as "curse". In order to maintain their form, their life, they need to travel between universes, collecting "Universe Souls". They cannot stay in an universe for too long. "Too long" can be 100 years, 10 years, 1 month or even 1 day, 1 hour,... depending on which universe they are at.

This "cursed" journey is considered as "endless". The "curse" itself will not be lifted, unless a "Shifter" gives up their existance. Therefore, they will disappear, completely fade into nothingness.

"Shifters" can also disappear if they die while in an universe. That includes any methods that can cause someone's death: accidents, being killed, diseases,...

(Names such as "Universe Soul" or "Shifter" are just examples. They can be changed.)

BurningBlaze commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me

shayrl56 commented 5 years ago

The concept is nice to me, no further opinion. I'm looking forward to hearing if they have any impacts in the game, which plots will they take part it, how are we gonna interact with them etc... Also "them". Multi universes mean that there will be numbers of Shifters around. And they talk, work, think.... like a normal Pokemon in PMD( no hooman pls xp). I expect that they would disguise themself as a normal pokemon, talk, work, etc.... and live among in the society.

Zozanero7 commented 5 years ago

Hey Shifter Army and welcome back to another episode of let's play minecraft. I like it.

SupaFresh commented 5 years ago

Interesting concept I like it!