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Remove Wind (Actual Proposal) #6

Open shadowlucario50 opened 5 years ago

shadowlucario50 commented 5 years ago

There have been many members who, either jokingly or not, suggested to remove wind from dungeons. Here are the pros and cons of removing wind.

Pros: •Satisfy Many People •Remove Annoying Mechanic •Blaze is awesome 🔥

Cons: •Reduces Challenge in Dungeons


zangopmd commented 5 years ago

Makes shiny hunting a pain, especially in dungeons with lots of hallways. Can sometimes cause unfair loss, if someones computer crashes or they suddenly have to leave and forget to shut the game. Makes an irritating noise. Thats all i got

pi2z commented 5 years ago

We need to keep wind. Shiny hunting isn't supposed to be easy and they're already easy enough to hunt (syu and his 50 million salandits) also zango wind timers are usually around 10 minutes which is MORE than enough time to find the stairs and get to the next floor. If someones computer crashes thats ok because wind timer doesn't count down when no one is in the dungeon. and if you have to leave than you should just log off or wait on the next floor.

SyuNub commented 5 years ago

Blaze is disabling sandboxed items so Shiny Hunt wont be as easy as when i Hunt Salandit. And Wind is the most annoying thing when u wait for rescue, For example: You die in the dream forest because those freaking Bugs eat all of ur revs.