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New Treasure Items #7

Open zangopmd opened 5 years ago

zangopmd commented 5 years ago

I would like to add more valuables such as rubies, emeralds, topaz, etc. Maybe some jewelry. The purpose of this is to add more variety to dungeons, allow collections to be made, and just plain for fun.

Pros: A better variety helps keep dungeons interesting. Pearls are already a good choice for a water dungeon. Maybe rubies could be found in a fire dungeon, or topaz in an electric dungeon. A few dungeons could even have an exclusive. That can be a great incentive to return to dungeons which are not for training or are difficult.

This would also give more purpose to the "collector" career. A treasure hunter needs lots of treasure to find after all. People can collect their favorite, and maybe even there can be leaderboards for most gems collected of different types.

They can be simply sellable items. The price might be high for more rare ones, or just low to keep things in balance. Mainly their purpose isn't just to make money, but for the pleasure of finding such things. There's a certain thrill to spotting a rare and pretty gem now and then, I have enjoyed in other games, such as Oblivion. In that game the gems aren't even worth much at all. But they are still highly enjoyable.

Other things might be done creatively with them. For instance, maybe a dungeon has a door that needs x amount of x gem. There could be shops that only accept certain ones for currency. Maybe you need to combine a certain amount to produce a new kind of item (would be a good start for a crafting feature). This is good for the economy in providing more business opportunity between players and the game itself. And they make very nice gifts for your friends.

I added a few gems to the items gfx as an example. They are from rpgmaker, but can always be switched out later if needed. The idea I had for these sprites is: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Jade, Garnet, Quartz, Rose Quartz, Topaz, Amethyst, Tourmaline, and Aquamarine. This I think would be a good starting selection.

Cons: They may clash with diamonds that are already in the game. Diamonds are their own kind of item and have a different purpose. Although most people sell them, they aren't worth much and are really a battle item. Consideration might even be given to change these items to better suit their purpose. Diamonds seem like they would be better as a sellable or collectable rather than a throwaway battle item.

Economy Imbalance. I think these would if done right be helpful to economy and playstyle. Excess use of them must be avoided to keep them valuable and to keep too much money from being created.