An educational web-based tool designed for comprehensive 2D linkage analysis developed at WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
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Analysis Graph Stair-stepping issue #45

Closed KohmeiK closed 1 year ago

KohmeiK commented 1 year ago


Force analysis that is produced is being showcased as a staircase solution rather than a smooth increment. This is not correct and should be fixed. This problem is most likely due to a round off error somewhere. This staircase can be recreated by opening this URL, clicking on Joint B, and clicking on the analysis tab:,-1.24,-0.89,ab,R,t,Null,t%0Ab,-0.1,2.01,ab%7Cbc,R,f,Null,f%0Ac,4.26,2.27,bc%7Ccd,R,f,Null,f%0Ad,3.36,-1.01,cd,R,t,Null,f%0A&l=ab,R,1,1,-0.67,0.5599999999999998,a%7Cb,,line,-0.1,-0.89,-0.1,2.01,-1.24,2.01,-1.24,-0.89%0Abc,R,1,1,2.08,2.1399999999999997,b%7Cc,,line,4.26,2.01,4.26,2.27,-0.1,2.27,-0.1,2.01%0Acd,R,1,1,3.8099999999999996,0.63,c%7Cd,,line,3.36,2.27,3.36,-1.01,4.26,-1.01,4.26,2.27%0A&f=&s=10,false,false,cm.

Process to fix this (ask Alex or Pradeep for MATLAB):

1st: Determine the position analysis on MATLAB for all given timesteps. Verify the positions match what is produced on PMKS+ Web

2nd: Recreate the force analysis on MATLAB for all given timesteps. Verify the force analysis match what is produced on PMKS+ Web.

Checking the analysis will require an understanding

KohmeiK commented 1 year ago

Accidentally solved already