PMSI-AlignAlytics / dimple

An object-oriented API for business analytics
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Unexpected NaN during bar chart update #266

Open ggraham-412 opened 7 years ago

ggraham-412 commented 7 years ago


I have a simple Dimple ring chart selector of sales volume by territory with an accompanying bar chart of volume broken down by countries within the territory. When the user clicks on a territory in the ring chart, the bar chart is updated. However, the following error occurs.

Unexpected value NaN parsing x attribute. d3.v4.js:3354:6     (Firefox)

Error: <rect> attribute x: Expected length, "NaN".        (Chrome)
             (anonymous) @ d3.v4.js:3354

There is a gist with a self-contained example here:

I can workaround by redrawing the chart for now.

Thanks, Greg