PMassicotte / gtrendsR

R functions to perform and display Google Trends queries
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Different results on UI vs R #432

Closed Datacove1 closed 1 year ago

Datacove1 commented 1 year ago


I've been trying to run a query in R - and I'm seeing different results to those shown on Google trends. Here the Google trends link:

Here's my R query: Model_start <- as.Date("2019-01-07") Model_end <- as.Date("2022-07-03") Market_trend_raw <- gtrends(keyword="mtd software", geo="GB", time=paste0(Model_start-1," ",Model_end-1))$interest_over_time

Why would the results be different, e.g. currently the first three weeks on the weblink show 28, 66, 49 On the R query we get 35, 53, 59 As you can see, the change from one week to the next isn't even consistent!

PMassicotte commented 1 year ago

On the web page, I also have different results than you. 32 55 58 image

PMassicotte commented 1 year ago

Using the same URL you provided up there, I am getting a different result as of today compared to what I got 2 days ago.


This is not something we can control on our side.