PMassicotte / gtrendsR

R functions to perform and display Google Trends queries
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How to avoid HTTP status 429 (too many requests)? #433

Closed Rombersoft closed 1 year ago

Rombersoft commented 1 year ago

Who can share experiences about problems with HttpStatus 429 (Too many requests)? I noticed that the developer thought about using the proxy server. Does it exist some statistics about what I must do in order to be banned by Google Corporation? Public API is missing and how much is legal to use google back end in order to show google trends results on my own site???

PMassicotte commented 1 year ago

Does it exist some statistics about what I must do in order to be banned by Google Corporation?

I do not understand, you want to be banned?

Rombersoft commented 1 year ago

Does it exist some statistics about what I must do in order to be banned by Google Corporation?

I do not understand, you want to be banned?

No, I don't. But if I will know what must I do in order to be banned that I will avoid these actions in order to not be banned. Now do you understand me?

PMassicotte commented 1 year ago

You will not get banned. At some point you will reach a limit of the number of queries you can make. Wait a bit (24h?) and retry. This is not something that we can control on our side.

eddelbuettel commented 1 year ago

... nor does anybody have a 'hard and fast rule' to predict when the timeout will hit.

You are accessing an API that is not an official service so all bets are off. See past (and closed) issues here as well as this has been discussed extensively before.