PMunch / wxnim

Nim wrapper for wxWidgets.
MIT License
94 stars 11 forks source link

WxNim either fails with `undeclared indentifier` or crashes compiler when I try to cross-compile for Windows on Ubuntu. #30

Open fabricio-p opened 2 weeks ago

fabricio-p commented 2 weeks ago

Basic information

build machine:

target machine:

nim --version:

Nim Compiler Version 2.1.1 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2024-06-08
Copyright (c) 2006-2024 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: 09b5ed251e4f9a47af7a0176ea4632bebdfd506a
active boot switches: -d:release

Steps taken

  1. nimble init project-name && cd project-name
  2. nimble install wxnim
  3. echo 'requires "wxnim#head"' >> project-name.nims
  4. nvim src/project-name.nim and write

    import wxnim/[wx, genui]
    {.experimental: "implicitDeref".}
    {.emit: "#include <wx/spinctrl.h>".}
    var cbChoices = @["Combobox 1", "Combobox 2", "Combobox 3"]
      spinner: ptr WxSpinCtrl
      slider: ptr WxSlider
      gauge: ptr WxGauge
    proc spinnerCallback(e: varWxSpinEvent) {.cdecl.} =
      let val = e.getPosition()
      mainFrame % Frame(title = "Hello world"):
        Panel | Boxsizer(orient = wxHorizontal):
          StaticBox(label = "Basic controls")[proportion = 1] | StaticBoxSizer(orient = wxVertical):
            Button: "Button"
        CheckBox: "Checkbox"
        TextCtrl(value = "Entry")
        StaticText: "Label"
  5. nvim config.nims and write
  6. Download the headers and libraries from under the MinGW-w64 8.1 label for x86_64. The headers from and the libraries from
  7. mkdir wxwidgets-mingw and unzip the downloaded archives into that directory.
  8. nimble build

         Info:  Dependency on wxnim@#head already satisfied
      Verifying dependencies for wxnim@0.9
       Building project-name/project-name using c backend
    fatal.nim(53)            sysFatal
    Error: unhandled exception: field 'sym' is not accessible for type 'TNode' using 'kind = nkEmpty' [FieldDefect]
           Tip: 4 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
    nimble.nim(304)          buildFromDir
        Error:  Build failed for the package: project-name
  9. nim_dbg cpp src/project-name.nim
    Hint: used config file '/home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
    Hint: used config file '/home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/config/config.nims' [Conf]
    Hint: used config file '/home/fabricio/projects/nim/project-name/config.nims' [Conf]
    .................................................................................................................../home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/nim.nim(169) nim
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/nim.nim(124) handleCmdLine
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/main.nim(338) mainCommand
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/main.nim(305) compileToBackend
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/main.nim(142) commandCompileToC
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(325) compilePipelineProject
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(245) compilePipelineModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(187) processPipelineModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/sem.nim(822) semWithPContext
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/sem.nim(784) semStmtAndGenerateGenerics
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2888) semStmt
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(1190) semExprNoType
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(3369) semExpr /home/fabricio/projects/nim/project-name/src/project-name.nim(1, 1) nkStmtList
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2835) semStmtList
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(3402) semExpr /home/fabricio/projects/nim/project-name/src/project-name.nim(1, 1) nkImportStmt
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/importer.nim(364) evalImport
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/importer.nim(334) impMod
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/importer.nim(292) myImportModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(284) importPipelineModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(245) compilePipelineModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/pipelines.nim(187) processPipelineModule
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/sem.nim(822) semWithPContext
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/sem.nim(784) semStmtAndGenerateGenerics
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2888) semStmt
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(1190) semExprNoType
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(3369) semExpr /home/fabricio/.nimble/pkgs2/wxnim-0.9-30842e9ec6c93c002349de587f1692fea0b2ace4/wxnim/wx.nim(6, 1) nkStmtList
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2835) semStmtList
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semexprs.nim(3387) semExpr /home/fabricio/.nimble/pkgs2/wxnim-0.9-30842e9ec6c93c002349de587f1692fea0b2ace4/wxnim/private/list.nim(53, 1) nkProcDef
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2649) semProc
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2533) semProcAux
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/compiler/semstmts.nim(2306) semCppMember
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/lib/system/fatal.nim(53) sysFatal
    Error: unhandled exception: field 'sym' is not accessible for type 'TNode' using 'kind = nkEmpty' [FieldDefect]
  10. Append --define:"windows" to config.nims
  11. nimble build

      Verifying dependencies for project-name@0.0.0
         Info:  Dependency on wxnim@#head already satisfied
      Verifying dependencies for wxnim@0.9
       Building project-name/project-name using c backend
    /home/fabricio/projects/third-party/Nim/lib/std/typedthreads.nim(187, 25) Error: undeclared identifier: 'pthread_join'
           Tip: 4 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
    nimble.nim(304)          buildFromDir
        Error:  Build failed for the package: project-name
PMunch commented 1 week ago

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, been busy lately. Just pushed a version to fix some issues with Nim 2.0.6. However I see you use 2.1.1 which is an unstable development version. I can't reproduce your errors with the stable version, so I have to assume it's a bug in whatever development version you where using. I also tried your code and apart from some typos it also seems to have some logic errors. Below is my updated version which works fine:

import wxnim/[wx, genui]

var cbChoices = @["Combobox 1", "Combobox 2", "Combobox 3"]

  spinner: ptr WxSpinCtrl
  slider: ptr WxSlider
  gauge: ptr WxGauge

proc spinnerCallback(e: var WxSpinEvent) {.cdecl.} =
  let val = e.getPosition()

  mainFrame % Frame(title = "Hello world") | Boxsizer(orient = wxVertical):
    Panel | Boxsizer(orient = wxHorizontal):
      StaticBox(label = "Basic controls")[proportion = 1] | StaticBoxSizer(orient = wxVertical):
        Button: "Button"

    CheckBox: "Checkbox"
    TextCtrl(value = "Entry")
    StaticText: "Label"
fabricio-p commented 1 week ago

The code sample is a subset of the example here

PMunch commented 1 week ago

Yes I recognized the code. But when I now full the latest version of this repo it builds fine with the latest Nim version. So I'm unable to reproduce your issue. Did you try to upgrade to the latest stable Nim version and the latest version of wxnim? Keep in mind that old versions still in .nimble/pkgs might override those in .nimble/pkgs2, so best delete the entire old package cache.

fabricio-p commented 1 week ago

I have only ~/.nimble/pkgs2. Are you trying to cross-compile it from linux using mingw toolchain?