Pennnsylvania Conservation Opportunity Area Tool development scripts
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Re-populate planning units with updated SGCN occurrence final layer #150

Closed memoore closed 6 years ago

memoore commented 6 years ago

Need to create new SGCNxPU occurrence table with updated SGCN occurrence final layer.

I will do this next week once everything is copied over to the new server. Will update SQLite database and send links to new data then.

memoore commented 6 years ago

The SGCNxPU occurrence table has been updated with the updated SGCN Occurrence Final Layer. GDB table is here: W:\Heritage\Heritage_Projects\1332_PGC_COA\COA_DataToServer.gdb\SGCNxPU_occurrence and .csv is here: W:\Heritage\Heritage_Projects\1332_PGC_COA\SGCNxPU_occurrence.csv

We need to put this in the SQLite database, but maybe we should wait to combine with the updated SGCNxPU SDM layer once we add in the habitat association models.

memoore commented 6 years ago

uploaded all new SGCN occurrence records and SGCN SDM records into the SQLite Database and deleted all records under 10% (thought this was taken care of, but there were still a bunch that were under 10%).