Pennnsylvania Conservation Opportunity Area Tool development scripts
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Development of a composite code for SGCN Priority #50

Open ChristopherTracey opened 7 years ago

ChristopherTracey commented 7 years ago

Currently, SGCN in the PAWAP are assigned a rank within each four conservation priorities goals as described below:

These ranks range from 1 to 6, with one being the highest priority, we need to develop a single (?) score for these four goals that indicates the overall conservation priority for this tool. This should be a value that can be include in the overall multiplicative AIS.

ChristopherTracey commented 7 years ago

Talked with Cathy a bit on 9/13--difficult to do for sure due to a number of technical reasons. Decided to move ahead with weighting based on the highest (which is actually the lowest) value across any of the four SWAP category fields.

For a test, we found the minimum across the four category columns using the following code: aoi_sgcn[, "CAT_min"] <- apply(aoi_sgcn[, 10:13], 1, min) Then we took the inverse of this to calculate the final CAT_Weight score that ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being the highest priority SGCN.