Closed ChristopherTracey closed 2 years ago
Done for BAMONA,
Done for BBA point count
Done for Brook trout
Done for GBIF
So this is currently the code that we are using for this:
# create a spatial layer
bamona_sf <- st_as_sf(bamona1, coords=c("Longitude","Latitude"), crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
bamona_sf <- st_transform(bamona_sf, crs=customalbers) # reproject to the custom albers
arc.write(path=here("_data/output/SGCN.gdb","srcpt_BAMONA"), bamona_sf, overwrite=TRUE) # write a feature class into the geodatabase
bamona_buffer <- st_buffer(bamona_sf, dist=100) # buffer by 100m
arc.write(path=here("_data/output/SGCN.gdb","final_BAMONA"), bamona_buffer, overwrite=TRUE) # write a feature class into the geodatabase
We should look into turning this into a function to make it more repeatable across data sources.
Done for Bombus/Misc SGCN
Currently not doing this for Biotics/CPP due to data structure issues. Not sure if this is applicable to those datasets.
We stopped doing this for time, but it would be useful for the commissions and other potential uses.