PNHP / Regional_SDM

Methods and collaboration for Species Distribution Modeling among Heritage Programs
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metadata map is hardcoded to the Virginia state boundary #23

Closed ChristopherTracey closed 6 years ago

ChristopherTracey commented 6 years ago

Here in the .rnw

plot(spTransform( referenceBoundaries[referenceBoundaries$STATE_NAME != "Pennsylvania",]
                  , CRSobj = results_shape@proj4string), add=T, border="gray50", lwd=0.3, col = "white")
plot(spTransform( referenceBoundaries[referenceBoundaries$STATE_NAME == "Pennsylvania",]
                  , CRSobj = results_shape@proj4string), add=T, border="black", lwd=0.7)

We should make this more flexible.

ChristopherTracey commented 6 years ago

Also, add in a variable for this in the figure caption for the state name as well.

dnbucklin commented 6 years ago

fixed ed26f7f34a6e254a9a4869c1ca34750a98bc90e3.

The code still assumes that: nm_refBoundaries : a shapefile of all states with the column STATE_NAME nm_studyAreaExtent : a shapefile of state(s) in the study area with the column STATE_NAME. A subset of nm_refBoundaries. These states will be outlined in black in Figure 4 and listed in the caption.