PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec / Informed-Proteomics

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Is MSPathFinderT able to report isobaric proteoforms? #25

Closed wingkinlui closed 3 years ago

wingkinlui commented 3 years ago

I have been using Informed-Proteomics to analysis Histone Top-down spectrums, and as you may already know, there are a lot of near-isobaric or isobaric proteoforms.

My question is, is MsPathFinderT able to report multiple proteoforms from a MS2 spectrum? According to my understanding to the Informed-Proteomics article and my application of this software, it would only report one best PrSM per one MS2 spectrum. In other words, if multiple (near-) isobaric proteoforms were co-isolated and co-fragmented in a MS2 scan, only the one with the best score will be reported.

Am I right about this?

alchemistmatt commented 3 years ago

NumMatchesPerSpectrum defaults to 3

So, it's keeping track of the top 3 matches per spectrum internally. However, after running the generating function, it is only keeping the best match:

            foreach (var scanNum in scanNums)
                finalMatches[scanNum] = matches[scanNum].OrderBy(m => m.SpecEvalue).First();

I should be able to update it to support writing multiple results per scan.

wingkinlui commented 3 years ago

I see. Thanks a lot!

alchemistmatt commented 3 years ago

The following commits implement the option of reporting multiple PSMs for each scan:

See Release 1.0.7569