PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec / Informed-Proteomics

Top down / bottom up, MS/MS analysis tool for DDA and DIA mass spectrometry data
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Crash if NumMods >= 28 #4

Open detritus opened 6 years ago

detritus commented 6 years ago

Input: NumMods=28 HO3P,STY,opt,any,Phospho # Phosphorylation O1,M,opt,any,Oxidation # Oxidation M C12H20O10,RK,opt,any,Hex(2) # Lactostylation C2H2O,K,opt,Prot-N-term,Acetyl # Acetylation Protein N-term (C2H2O can be replaced with "H(2) C(2) O")

On execute:

Exception parsing the file for parameter -mod: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Exception while processing: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.get_Item(TKey key) at InformedProteomics.Backend.Data.Sequence.ModificationParams.GenerateModCombMap() at InformedProteomics.Backend.Data.Sequence.AminoAcidSet..ctor(IEnumerable1 searchModifications, Int32 maxNumModsPerSequence) at MSPathFinderT.TopDownInputParameters.LoadModsFile(String modFilePath) at MSPathFinderT.TopDownInputParameters.Parse(Dictionary`2 parameters) at MSPathFinderT.Program.Main(String[] args)

FarmGeek4Life commented 6 years ago

I can duplicate this issue, but I still haven't found the exact cause of the problem (beyond the high maximum number of modifications)