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visualization-friendly version of Carbon dioxide flux #4

Open mcnaughtonadm opened 11 months ago

mcnaughtonadm commented 11 months ago
mcnaughtonadm commented 11 months ago


mcnaughtonadm commented 11 months ago


Modifications would create the addition of a source carbon metabolite and exchange.

ShantMahserejian commented 11 months ago

Visualization for a test attempt at carbon source treatment:

Flux file used: test_source_carbon.csv

Generated PNG file Alluvial_Diagram_Terniary_Test

Interactive HTML version also available (sent to Andrew directly)

djinnome commented 11 months ago

Why is Leu__L a source metabolite?

djinnome commented 11 months ago

And why is glc__D a source metabolite? I thought this was supposed to be only carbon dioxide as the nitrogen source?

mcnaughtonadm commented 11 months ago

Sorry that was my fault, I was more focused on seeing the co2 so the method I used to implement the specific carbon just loaded the 3-member model directly and made the edits to the co2_source and ran it with the rest of the medium default.

This exercise was just to see if the new co2 worked, which after talking to Shant may need to be edited with a new feature that the exchange between the medium and each individual organism may need it's own "source co2".

We can run one with the proper minimal carbon-nitrogen medium. I was going to make a method for that once we figured out which source co2 reactions were needed.

mcnaughtonadm commented 10 months ago

Altered approach to make sure the "source" co2 is actually being captured by visualization. Left comment on merge request.

mcnaughtonadm commented 10 months ago

I'm anticipating this to return a more visualization friendly carbon source as after optimization the fluxes for the co2 return like this:

Compartment EX_co2_e EX_co2_m EX_co2_source_e EX_co2_source_m
Azotobacter 5.02887247 0
Rhodosporidium -3.72924568 0
Synechococcus 1.299626789 1.89995819
medium 0 -1.8999582

So this to me shows that the source carbon is going into the Synechococcus (now it flowing here may not be the preferred outcome, but that means this co2 diagnostic visualization would be working and we can make tweaks to get the carbon where it needs to go)