PNNL-CompBio / cNFOrganoidAnalysis

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Upload and reformat data to Synapse #3

Closed sgosline closed 3 years ago

sgosline commented 3 years ago

We need to take the data from the dropbox and reformat the data so that it's in a 'long' form. The identifiers will require some manual curation.

Columns should be: 1- individualID 2- specimenID 3- proteinMarker 4- DAB stained cells 5- Total stained cells 6- Percent DAB stained

For the specimenID, and individualID they should match the specimenID and individualID in syn22878645. The specimen ID is a combiantion of the individual ID plus the growth media (M, M+C, etc.) the 'P' value is just the patient sample, so leave that specimenID equal to the individualID.

If you put them all into a spreadsheet, then upload it as a csv to synapse as a new table.