Talk with Abigial about "percentage of agreement", "p-value", "sensitivity analysis" issues
Manuscript writing
Updating SRDB data to SRDB-V5?
Change the "bottom-up" and "top-down" terms, or well define these two terms
Goal: have the full manuscript done by Feb
SRDB-V5 (Project 1)
Things have to be finished before releasing V5
Updating papers until 2018 (working)
Including Russian papers
Unique ID for every row (working)
Connect MGRsD and HGRsD with SRDB (done)
Separate "Rs equation" section out and collect equations for the "new" added papers
Adding collar_depth and measure_time information
Standardize Manipulation
Things can be done (but need more time)
Add SOC% column and collect SOC% information
Collect "Rh equation and Q10 for Rh/Ra" information
Updating MGRsD and HGRsD
Goal: manuscript submitted by April 1st
Rs measure_time and collar_depth analysis (Project 2)
Because we want to include this information in V5, so I think it is better to have the manuscript ready before release V5, since people can easily do the analysis with the data.
Global Rh/Ra meta-analysis (Project 3)
If we want to collect and release this information in V5, it is better to have the analysis and manuscript done.
Time for warm (Project 4)
I think it is good for me to have some fieldwork, like once a week, is there something I can help in SERC?
Will's project?
Involving in some of Alexey's work after he leaving?
Global C project
SRDB-V5 (Project 1)
Things have to be finished before releasing V5
Things can be done (but need more time)
Rs measure_time and collar_depth analysis (Project 2)
Global Rh/Ra meta-analysis (Project 3)
Time for warm (Project 4)