PNNL-TES / dwp_injection

Code and data for Disney Wilderness Preserve injection experiment
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Duplicate data tracks in graphs #17

Closed bpbond closed 8 years ago

bpbond commented 8 years ago

A few (many?) core/rep combination show 2 or more parallel tracks. E.g. 7 A CO2, 37 CH4 or 41 CO2, 39 C CO2. Pretty clearly 2+ cores are being combined. This could be a code error, or a data error; need to take one and track it back all the way.

This is really serious, obviously.

bpbond commented 8 years ago

This appears to be an artifact. It looks like that for some very low-flux cores, the max_CH4_time - min_CH4_time value bounces between two discrete numbers (e.g. 11 and 14 seconds for core 37). This makes the computed flux bounce around similarly, producing an 'echo' track. I don't think this is a fundamental problem, and so we're OK to just use the mean value.
