POETSII / Orchestrator

The Orchestrator is the configuration and run-time management system for POETS platforms.
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Introduces in-place simulated annealing, configurable at compile time. #185

Closed mvousden closed 3 years ago

mvousden commented 3 years ago

Resolves #183. Soon to be "enabled" by the #184 PR.

Tested using this patch (to enable it), with the test_ddos_supervisor example. By setting the iteration count to 1, the initial placement result will be (almost) preserved. Enabling in-place annealing with this batch script:

load /app = +"test_ddos_supervisor.xml"
tlink /app = *
placement /constrain = "DevicesPerThread",2
placement /constrain = "ThreadsPerCore",1
placement /bucket = *
placement /sa = *
placement /dump = *

will output a bucket placement in the dump, but will error if in-place annealing is disabled. With this script:

load /app = +"test_ddos_supervisor.xml"
tlink /app = *
placement /constrain = "DevicesPerThread",2
placement /constrain = "ThreadsPerCore",1
placement /sa = *
placement /dump = *

with in-place annealing enabled, a warning is posted in the annealer log, and a smart-random starting placement is used as usual.