POETSII / Orchestrator

The Orchestrator is the configuration and run-time management system for POETS platforms.
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Link errors while compiling example `plate_3x3.xml` #194

Closed m8pple closed 3 years ago

m8pple commented 3 years ago

This is with the Orchestrator/development (6669d06), trying to compile the plate_3x3.xml example from Orchestrator_examples/master (4cfc9f7). Following the instructions from usage.pdf linked from orchestrator-documentation/master (https://github.com/POETSII/orchestrator-documentation/releases). Compiled on ayres with system Tinsel install.

Commands I'm trying to do are:

task /path = "/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen"
task /load = "plate_3x3.xml"
task /show 
topology /set1
link /link = "plate_3x3"
task /build = "plate_3x3"

Full output is:

dt10@ayres:~/Orchestrator$ rlwrap -r -H .orchestrator-history.txt ./orchestrate.sh 
Attach debugger to Root process 0 (0).....

POETS>task /path = "/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen"
POETS> 12:41:23.27:  23(I) task /path = "/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen"
POETS> 12:41:23.27: 102(I) Task graph default file path is ||Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/||
POETS> 12:41:23.27: 103(I) New path is ||/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/||
POETS>task /load = "plate_3x3.xml"
POETS> 12:41:25.22:  23(I) task /load = "plate_3x3.xml"
POETS>task /show 

Orchestrator has 1 tasks loaded:

    |Task       |Supervisor |Linked   |Devices  |Channels |Declare    |PoL? |PoL type   |Parameters    
  0 | plate_3x3 |plate_3x3_supervisorNode_inst |      no |      10 |      29 |plate_heat |User |           |/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/plate_3x3.xml  |
Default display filepath ||/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/||

POETS> 12:41:28.60:  23(I) task /show 
POETS>topology /set1
POETS> 12:41:44.58:  23(I) topology /set1
POETS> 12:41:44.58: 138(I) Creating topology ||Simple [1 box]||
POETS>link /link = "plate_3x3"
POETS> 12:41:56.03:  23(I) link /link = "plate_3x3"
POETS> 12:41:56.03: 209(I) Attempting to place task 'plate_3x3' using the 'link' method...
POETS> 12:41:56.03: 202(I) Task 'plate_3x3' placed successfully.
POETS>task /build = "plate_3x3"
cp: cannot stat '/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/../Supervisor.*': No such file or directory
POETS> 12:42:46.51:  23(I) task /build = "plate_3x3"
POETS> 12:42:46.51: 801(D) P_builder::Add(name=plate_3x3,file=/home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/plate_3x3.xml)
POETS> 12:42:46.51: 807(E) Unable to copy files to directory /home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/plate_3x3Generated. Check directory exists and has access rights. Success

I can't find any directory called Supervisor in the input directory, though maybe this one is benign.

There is no such directory as /home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/plate_3x3Generated, though there is a directory called /home/dt10/Orchestrator_examples/plate_heat/pregen/plate_3x3/Generated.

Trying to task /deploy it fails, so I think it has actually failed.

After this I end up with the following directories next to the xml file:


Both inc and src are empty.

(I don't think we get micrologs in this version, and I couldn't see another log file that could be attached.)

heliosfa commented 3 years ago

This should work withe the version of the Orchestrator in #172 and the pregenerated examples in https://github.com/POETSII/Orchestrator_examples/pull/8