POETSII / Orchestrator

The Orchestrator is the configuration and run-time management system for POETS platforms.
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POETS batch files #311

Open DrongoTheDog opened 2 years ago

DrongoTheDog commented 2 years ago

The Batch subdirectory in the release version is empty, save for a note from MLV pointing out you can put POETS batch files anywhere. There's a misunderstanding here (an overload of the word "batch"); this is the subdirectory I was using to put all the Windoze-related management batch files: gopoets.bat: starts up all the utilities I use in everyday development: compiler, source text editor, filefinder, process explorer and so on. iotest.bat: left over from when JSR and I were fiddlng with the electric internet connection. killpoets: (dunno if this is an issue on Linux) - when an MPI universe falls over on Windoze it can create immortal orphan processes, which are hard to get rid of. This batch file gets rid of all running POETS processes, no matter what they may/may not be attached to. poets.bat: actually launch the MPI universe poetsbackup.bat: ADB paranoia