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Reading monthly data #2

Closed jeenriquez closed 7 months ago

jeenriquez commented 9 months ago

Hey @luizhdasilva , Lets talk about these lines of code:

if monthly_mean:
    data_path = str(input('Insert monthly averaged data path: '))

which are here.

Maybe we can find another way to read the monthly data, first I need to understand more about the data itself, and if there is a naming convention to save these files. I'm also wondering if this is something that can be calculated "on the fly".


luizhdasilva commented 9 months ago

Hi @jeenriquez,

This is a specific case that may need to be generalized. There is no naming convention because we usually work with 5-days outputs, not monthly. So, I agree with you, would be better to address this kind of need by calculating a monthly average value from the original 5-days outputs. In this way, wouldn't be necessary for the user to have their own monthly averaged file.


jeenriquez commented 8 months ago

Sounds good. I think we can delete those line for now. If you agree.

luizhdasilva commented 8 months ago

That sounds great to me. If the user wants to do monthly mean, the code should be able to average the 5-days outputs.

jeenriquez commented 7 months ago

Removed code. Closing issue for now.