POSSA / freepbx-weather-by-zip

FreePBX module, reads back weather forcast from dtmf zip code input
4 stars 5 forks source link

Google weather API for backup #5

Closed lgaetz closed 12 years ago

lgaetz commented 12 years ago

Less detail than the current national weather service, but the Google weather API works with zip codes and looks very parsable.

Usage: http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=<zipcode>

I think this would work if the primary site doesn't yield a result. You can also use Canadian zip (postal) codes, but since canadian codes contain letters and numbers, I can't think of an easy way of inputting them via dtmf

There is one problem, this API is unofficial and Google may remove or change it at any time.

lgaetz commented 12 years ago

This site is being used for Nerdvittles script nv-weather-google.php