POSSA / freepbx-weather-by-zip

FreePBX module, reads back weather forcast from dtmf zip code input
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Coastal Waters foreceast #6

Open lgaetz opened 12 years ago

lgaetz commented 12 years ago

Originally posted by Tshif on the old colsolgrp dev site, pasted here for continuity:

Provide Option for Coastal Waters Forecast using NOAH option for this data:


I entered my zipcode, and came to page: http://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=MFL&product=CWF&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1

The data looks parsable.

Source request and materials from: http://www.pbxinaflash.com/forum/showpost.php?p=27861&postcount=43 History

1 Updated by tshif almost 3 years ago On first review, I think adding this to Weather by ZIP would be the best way to go.

For the user interface, the user could be asked to press star or pound in front of the zip code if they want the coastal waters forecast instead of the standard forecast for their zip code.

2 Updated by tshif over 1 year ago This looks like a good project - Well leave it here logged as low prioroity untill someone steps up and wants to work on it.

3 Updated by mykroft over 1 year ago I need to know the exact page you enter your zip code on for the coast waters report - Just spent the last 30 min looking on their site and can not find a easy way to select what region a user is looking for.

4 Updated by tshif over 1 year ago Looks like the coastal waters forcast are handled by zone. Heres what I found for the text only service: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/textzones.htm

5 Updated by mykroft over 1 year ago

tshif wrote:

Looks like the coastal waters forcast are handled by zone. Heres what I found for the text only service: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/textzones.htm

ya, then under the zones its broken down either further, but I am not sure how to go about 'easily' selecting what they want to listen to without a huge long menu.

Easiest way that i can think of is still ask for a zipcode, and then figure out what zone/subzone that zipcode is closest to?

6 Updated by tshif over 1 year ago

Ok heres the matrix and page I think the data will ultimately come from.

Theres a section called COASTAL WATERS FORECASTS that seems to fit the bill. I havent figured out what the numbers next to the names mean yet. The original weather by zip script looks for a city in the Zip Code data base, then does this:

$query = "http://www.srh.noaa.gov/port/port_zc.php?inputstring=$zip" ;

Which ends up being, for example:


Idealy, we would find the equivelent php script to provide us with coastal data- but if that cant happen - we might be able to parse and speak the coastal waters section of the coastal waters forcast.

I spent some long unproductive time trying to find such a refrence - but all the data for this area seems menu oriented. I realize that theres still plenty of listings there, but we can give a multi layer menu that is regionalized - so the valid codes can at least be presented in a meaningful way.

Perhpas if we regionalize the menu that way - it will still be usable by the end users. I think as long as their special area of interests codes doesnt change constantly, those that want the service will still use it.

Open to more feedback - but this sounds liek a possible starting point.

Question - do we hold the next maintenance release of the Weather by Zip module for this feature? I tend to want to release the fixes we have -

7 Updated by tshif over 1 year ago

Oh heres the menu we've been looking for:


We can have a sub menu for tide information - I kinda like that idea. Heres the link to the final destinations. Again, I think this is small enough to parse verbally at a menu for the user.

With some luck, we could add another module for this function that interlinks (if present) with the current Weather by Zip Module. Unless general consensus here is that it should be bundled with this module.

And this is the root of the menus we want to investigate for the "offshoot" weather data seems to be:


8 Updated by mykroft over 1 year ago

Since this is so far a local US module, I think we should limit it to local coastal info from http://mobile.weather.gov/marine/local.htm

also, how often do you think ppls will change the zone they want to listen to. Am thinking of in the module where the voice processor is selected, we could have a multi drop down menu selecting what zone, region and indv area they are looking for.

If we see the need of people wanting to define more than 1 location, we could provide CWF listings, maybe max 5 of them, that can be selected from a short menu played to the caller with the info we need to pull from mobile.weather.gov site.

If we want to combine both type of listings in the same basic module, like 947 (zip) and 293 (cwf) feature codes. 947 would call the nv-weather.php and 293 would call another something.php file, the new one would have to parse the text file; which is not a big deal; and generate the tts file like nv-weather.php does now.

I have collected alot of data tonight to start this, including the reporting codes for the zones/regions etc. The pulled file formatting stays consistent as far as what I can use for headers/sections etc.

I will start some preliminary designing etc.

Do you see a prob with me adding some vars to the end of the weatheroptions database?

9 Updated by tshif over 1 year ago

I don't see a problem with adding variables to the end of the Weatherzip configuration detail database at all.

I don't know what to think about how often people will want to change the default report - but I sometimes listen to the weather for areas where people I know live. I can forsee wanting to be able to do the same with the CWF.

I'm also ok with the dropdown box for selecting the default CWF region - but I walways want the ability to enter a menu choice for a different (supported) area.

Enter the 5 digit code you want for the weather report, or *293 for the coastal weather forcast

Then when they arrive at the coastal weather forcast, it should say something like "Press 9 for a menu of coastal weather zones, or stand by for the default area report."

I also think that people should be able to disable the coastal weather forcast feature if they want, and not have it appear in the prompts at all.

What do you think?