POSYDON is a next-generation single and binary-star population synthesis code incorporating full stellar structure and evolution modeling with the use of MESA.
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added the M4 mu4 quantities as stored in step_SN, to be kept in the s… #309

Open ezapartas opened 1 month ago

ezapartas commented 1 month ago

…inglestar object as scalars

ezapartas commented 1 month ago

The idea is to use M4 and m4 for estimates of Ekin of each SN event. WIth @dimsour94 we already have some results with this method, but we relied up to now only to nearest neighbour interpolation, where M4 and m4 we recalculated. We want them to be added in the post-processin of the interpolated quantities

mkruckow commented 1 month ago

We should discuss this in the next Dev meeting, whether we need those values, which are specific to a SN prescription or whether the new values at He depletion are sufficient to simply recalculate M4 and mu4 in case they are needed.

ezapartas commented 4 weeks ago

Keeping this discussion of whether to add these values in the interpolated quantities too.

ezapartas commented 4 weeks ago

avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion and co_core_mass_at_He_depletion should in general also be stored to be used in post-processing to get info about the collapse. In principle we have functions to recalculate them after a POSYDON run, but the functions are working on a singlestar POSYDON object not the data for the h5d5 file, so it is much much more straightforward to keep these values during the calculation of step_SN (and the interpolator).

mkruckow commented 3 weeks ago

The values at He depletion are ready to be used in the star object, which takes them from the ones from the hdf5 file of the grids, see https://github.com/POSYDON-code/POSYDON/pull/281/files#diff-e4b192b1c4e79f131a84d9c341737303dc7932b4a3c7136ea75c33592320bf86