PPH3 / Eldritch

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The Blackness from the Stars #1

Open PPH3 opened 7 years ago

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

Hey Guys-- I'm surprised, yet elated that I'm not alone in my Lovecraft fandom, and I'm really looking forward to getting this project started! I'm not the best coder, so I take this leadership role with a sense of reluctance.

I'm sure that with a little hard work and perhaps an earnest sacrifice to Yog-Sothoth, I'll get up to speed so we can create a work of unspeakable terror! I was told we need to set up meeting times outside of class to flesh this thing out. My down time, (I don't really have any down time!), is MWF: 9:20-10, 11:20-1, 1:50-3. TTH: 11:20-2:30 and I leave for work right after the 3 and 2:30 classes. I can, if need be make time for this on the weekends, although I'm usually busy with school work and life, I'm sure your weekends are the same.

I'm going to delve into the Cthulu mythos this weekend to determine what stories we should we working on. We should eventually delve into the archaic prose Lovecraft adopted. Perhaps clarify some of those strange and ancient words he used.

I hope you guys enjoy working on this! Hit the issues for any insight, questions, or recommendations.

Stay sane and keep it grim!

mjb232 commented 7 years ago

I'm digging the enthusiasm here! I think our first step should be finding a reliable source for our text. Were gonna need a free text document that we can copy and paste into XML. Preferable we'll find one without weird text variations or omissions.

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 and @etj27 Let's start with getting each of your availabilities so we can come up with a time in the next week to have your first project meeting. See @PPH3 beginning message here for the times that work well for him.

Also, if you have not done so already you each need to clone this repo and practice pushing something into the project's sandbox. We created a quick reference guide on the DHClass-Hub to aid with using Git.

mjb232 commented 7 years ago

Monday/Wednesday/ Friday: 9-10:20am,1-2pm, 6-6:50pm Tuesday/Thursday: 12:30-1:30, 4pm till whenevers

Perhaps we can try getting together on the 29th around 12:30?

mjb232 commented 7 years ago

@ebeshero @RJP43 We have decided that we would like to name our website: Eldritch.Newtfire.org. The word Eldritch essentially translates to "Spooky ancient shit," but due to the frequency of the word in Lovecraft's works, Eldritch has become synonymous with his work. Thus we felt it more than appropriate that we use Eldritch as our name.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

So, just for fun, I went searching on GitHub for other repositories named "eldritch" and this is what I found: https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=eldritch. A few games, a couple of programming tools/languages...people seem to play with the word, but not always in a literally Lovecraftian sense. Then I thought I'd see who else on GitHub references Lovecraft directly, and struck pay dirt (or whatever the eldritchian equivalent): https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=lovecraft

Dig around in here and meet some other people and teams who care about Lovecraft, and most importantly, check out the repo with plain text of each Lovecraft story! @PPH3 @mjb232 @etj27

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Web conventions being as they are, we set "newtfire" in all lower case, and would lowercase eldritch, too: http://eldritch.newtfire.org . Will that work?