PPH3 / Eldritch

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Project Feedback! #14

Open RJP43 opened 7 years ago

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

Please write feedback for the Eldritch team here.

setriplette commented 7 years ago

I really like the idea of Natural Language Processing and I can't wait to see you put it to good use! I think the project shows how DH can lead you to think through words more carefully than you might otherwise. I also liked the site splash page.

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 @etj27 @mjb232 I can't stress enough how awesome this project is for the in-depth natural language processing (NLP) being done! On your "about" page or perhaps a "methodology" page you guys should give details on your process of analyzing these three Lovecraft texts. I thought it was interesting when you guys talked about the original idea to grab archaic words but then moved to picking up on scientific words instead (the opposite of what you thought), and I think this will make for a good paragraph that will lead site users behind the scenes of the natural language processing 'process'. Tell how and where you got your source texts and the work you had to do to get them to their current state. Also give users the definition of synset and a lot of that other natural language processing jargon used in your presentation. It is really intriguing and of interest to many people in the DH world; so definitely link out to your scripts in GitHub within your descriptions.

I love the idea of having the clickable words! The page overall is really cool, but make sure you guys give credit to the artist of the background image and the intro music somewhere (likely on your about page). While on the topic of giving credit where it is due, don't forget to choose and display a creative commons license. People will likely want to use some of your code and will need to know how you intend for it to be shared.

I am excited to see how you guys work in all of this awesome NLP data into visualizations. My only other suggestion would be to experiment with other fonts and font sizes on the reading view pages. Your current text is a little hard to read for long periods of time (the amount of time needed to read through one of those lengthy texts).

jonhoranic commented 7 years ago

Lovecraft has always seemed to have a kind of "entry barrier" that causes many readers to turn away from his work. I think having a place that can provide summary and analysis of his terms and language could help elevate the text for fans of his work and provide a handhold that may help fresh readers get past the initial difficulties they have with Lovecraft's style. I would like to see what you can do to illustrate and/or extend your linguistic research in the final edit (or in the future if you choose to let this project extend). Keep up the good work!

msb81 commented 7 years ago

I really really really loved that sound at that beginning, it made me smile, lol. But i loved the visualizations and the reading views of the texts. @mjb232, it seems like you did most of the leadership of coding in this project and its really impressive. You can tell that you have really thought about this project and what you want and its absolutely great. @etj27, I love the visualization you did with the texts. Its awesome to see a english literature project that looks completely different than Lope, it looks awesome! @PPH3, i think its awesome that you chose Lovecraft for your project and I love how much you love it. Even though the coding is important, the actually understanding of Lovecraft is important as well! It's evident how much you know about it and it renditions in your project. Well done!

ahunker commented 7 years ago

As a writing major, I really like what you guys are trying to mark up in the Eldritch texts. I'm looking forward to seeing how your website ends up. First of all, the amount of work you've done to mark up all the information about the language is very impressive. Going through all those different words take time and I applaud you for your patience. Looking at the language sounds like it would create some great data for graphs to visually represent the text. Your website itself is quite interesting. I really like the images you have on your homepage and about page, maybe using those images or colors from the images on your other pages would make it more visually cohesive on your site. I do like the music, it really sets the tone for the texts your working with. Overall, I'm looking forward to seeing what you end up doing with all of your data. Great work guys!

JaredKramer40 commented 7 years ago

Love the idea of this project and what you guys have done so far. The website looks great and I really like how there is music that comes on when you visit the site, it's very different! The background images go very well with the other images throughout the site as well as the color scheme you have in some of the pages. The visualizations are very impressive. Really good job guys, keep up the good work!