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Big Transformations to Pull In: Counts, Word List, Sampler HTML #16

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @etj27 @PPH3 @RJP43 I've done some tricky XSLT identity transformations on your project to map the synset counts into your files and save you all some time in these last couple of days. Do a git pull to grab all the changes. I want to talk to you about them, but I may not be able to join your meeting until around 1:45 tomorrow. So here's the briefing:

1) Matt and Pat: We have updated synset counts and the word list is all reduced to lower-cased words (which is all WordNet needs). We successfully mapped those back into the files when words are upper-cased--wasn't too hard. All of Pat's @type attributes are preserved. Here is the new and complete file of words: https://github.com/PPH3/Eldritch/blob/master/xslt_and_python/fullList_syn.xml You may want to output that file on its own as HTML on your site--it's pretty impressive.

2) Matt: You'll need to re-run your XSLT-to-SVG files and plot new output based on the fresh counts. Stacked bars may have shifted slightly during flight...

3) We pretty much had to overhaul or rewrite the XSLT in the repo to produce HTML to hold the popup notes that Matt envisions. They're in, but you want to look at my XSLT code that produces them and see if you want to format them differently or pull in more information from the word file.

My new files in the HTML directory are: readingView.xsl headerSSI.html a Server Side Include file based on Evan's menu and header TCOCebb.html ATMOMebb.html TSOIebb.html

I didn't write over any of Evan's files, but just saved with my handle as a placeholder on these, since I'd like you to look at what I did and modify it as you like.

The HTML pages aren't going to look pretty because I haven't set the CSS to hide the <span> elements holding the synset info, and you haven't written the JavaScript to control them yet. You may want to output more or less info in those notes, but let's take a look and talk it over tomorrow afternoon.

I'll likely be on campus around noon-ish, and have a faculty meeting around 12:45 - 1:45.

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 we will need to compare the SSI we made yesterday with the one Dr. B. pulled together. Some big goals today: create xml to html xslt for the fullList_syn file and the reading views, handle our about page mishap, and clean up big CSS issues with site.

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

I just need to know where to meet you guys after your final (12:30ish). We have the conference room in downstairs FOB (rm 138 I believe) reserved if that sounds good to everyone. Otherwise ping here with a place.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @RJP43 Ahh! You were a step ahead of me. My SSI was just an attempt to move Evan's header construction outside of the XSLT so I could see what I was doing. Yours might be better, so scrap mine and revise accordingly if you like. I didn't post anything on the newtfire server.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @etj27 @PPH3 @RJP43 I should have explained about why I added a namespace to your https://github.com/PPH3/Eldritch/blob/master/xslt_and_python/fullList_syn.xml file, that is, the fullList_syn.xml file with all the synset and count and definition (etc) information about your words. Here's the namespace declaration, sitting on your root element in that file:

<xml xmlns="http://eldritch.code.newtfire.org">

I added that namespace to integrate with the TEI in outputting synset information with your reading views: Without it, the XSLT was having trouble reading from two different kinds of XML input.

When you're running XSLT to produce bar graphs, of course you don't need it and could just rip it out, but I think you may want to leave it in place on that fullList_syn.xml file, in case in future you or someone who inherits this project wants to output the reading views from TEI again after a fresh processing of the word counts and synset information. To read from it, you just need to add this line to your root <xsl stylesheet> element on the XSLT-to-SVG:


With that in place, you don't need to declare prefixes or anything. And it's kind of cool you have your own project-generated XML code--it has its own namespace. :-)