PPH3 / Eldritch

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ODD Schema Generation: Tinkering #19

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 @mjb232 @etj27 @RJP43 Attention Eldritch-eans: I was working on an ODD for a different project and noticed a strange (eldritch!) error being flagged in oXygen. I returned to your project ODD and saw the same error there. Because your ODD is a little easier to follow than the one in the other project, I've been using it as an example in reporting the issue to the TEI.

I've also made a couple of updates for constraining the @synset attribute value with regex. Becca will remember she and I struggling with this last December, and we now have it working properly thanks to some kind help from @lb42. If any of you are about to update files, just make sure you do a git pull first!

If you're curious about the weird error, you can follow the issue on the TEI repo here: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1605#issuecomment-285882803