PPH3 / Eldritch

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ODD Schema Production #7

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago


ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @etj27 @PPH3 As I mentioned in class this morning, I made you a starter ODD file and created a schema for it, in this commit. I also modified one of your XML files to associate the schema and tinker a little bit with the markup to make sure it was working. As we discussed on Tues., we want to meet again tomorrow (Thurs.) at 12:30pm in McKenna to review the ODD and schema, set up the markup, discuss it a bit. I need to show you how the ODD file works, so you can modify it and generate an updated schema on your own. It's not too difficult, but will take a little more explaining. I may be running a little late to the meeting because I'm coming from a 10:15am doctor's appointment in McKeesport, but if I'm not there when you arrive, just wait a bit, pull in the new files and study them.

I'll post some instructions, too, on this issue, in case I'm running really late, so you can get started reading the ODD, and associating the schema.