PPOE / open-grgraz

a script to parse the City Council of Graz (Gemeinderat Graz) Microsoft SharePoint for motions and answers.
MIT License
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Automate SharePoint parsing? #11

Open PeterTheOne opened 7 years ago

PeterTheOne commented 7 years ago

Check out https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sharepoint

PeterTheOne commented 7 years ago


PeterTheOne commented 7 years ago

Old docs: https://magistrat.graz.at/secure/Gemeinderat/Docs/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Dokumente

PeterTheOne commented 7 years ago

Or https://magistrat.graz.at/secure/Gemeinderat/Docs/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Dokumente?$filter=Pfad%20eq%20%27/secure/Gemeinderat/Docs/Dokumentenbibliothek/2009/Gemeinderatsst%C3%BCcke/2009_01_15%27